Oct 27, Sunday

Selenium Webdriver Online Training BY H2kinfosys

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 Selenium Webdriver Online Training BY H2kinfosys
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Contact Personkrishnaveni

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Enroll today in our instructor-led live training and learn the basic and advanced concepts of Selenium from our expert trainers. We prepare you for a role of a Test Automation Engineer by providing 70 hours of Selenium Training on various topics like Selenium Architecture and its Components, IDE Concepts, WebDriver, Java, and JUNIT. We provide Selenium course material, video recordings and access to real-time environment to work on various software tools to gain hand-on experience. What is the role of a Test Automation Engineer? The Test Automation Engineer designs, builds, tests, and deploys effective test automation solutions. The Selenium Test Automation Engineer generates test cases using Selenium, enhances the test cases, debugs test cases and does defect tracking and reporting. Why consider a career in Selenium? Fresh Graduates/non-IT beginners who wish to start a career in IT as a Test Automation Engineer Programming Knowledge or Computer Science degree not required Career Growth from Manual Testing to Automation Testing Job Market is excellent for Selenium Professionals Enroll Today for our Selenium Training! Contact Us : http://www.h2kinfosys.us/courses/selenium-webdriver-junit-online-training-course/ Call: USA: +1- 770-777-1269. Email: [email protected] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7KEettF3-Q

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