Reasons for your Child's poor Gut Health June 26, 2024 07:07

Gastrointestinal diseases are increasing among children in Bangalore due to food-borne viruses and unpredictable monsoons. Affected children show symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, dehydration, body aches, fatigue and abdominal pain. Diarrhea is…

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Six Ayurvedic Immune Boosters for Kids January 23, 2024 07:25

A strong immune system is crucial for the overall health and well-being of babies and toddlers. Ayurveda offers natural and gentle ways to enhance their immunity. Here are some Ayurvedic herbs that can effectively support…

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Five Tips to Beat Out the Stress Among Children April 11, 2022 12:13

Stress is found in people of all the ages depending upon the situation they are in. The stress can have an impact on the physical and mental health of the people. There are lakhs of…

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Facemasks not recommended for children aged below 5 years June 10, 2021 05:54

There are a lot of assumptions, predictions about the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Some of the health experts advised that wearing facemasks is not recommended for children aged below five years of age. But some of…

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Why Is Mental Health So Important For School Children? December 10, 2020 12:02

Mental health is the internal well being of one’s mind- how we are feeling, what are our emotions, how do we know if we are truly happy or sad- it all comes under the umbrella…

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How to protect kids from eye vision problems October 08, 2020 09:19

It is always wise to ensure that your Child's eyesight is fine before sending him/her to school. It is a common phenomenon for children to experience eye problems while attending the schools. Almost every parent…

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