Search Results On cognitive decline

cognitive decline

  • Joe Biden latest, Joe Biden latest breaking, what is the latest update on joe biden s health, Cognitive decline

    What is the latest update on Joe Biden’s health? 2024-07-25 10:05:31

    US President Joe Biden ended his election campaign on Sunday. In addition to political reasons, various health problems also plagued this decision. The president was quarantined at his home in Delaware after testing positive for the coronavirus. The president's doctor...

    Keywords: Joe Biden health, Joe Biden latest, Joe Biden health bulletin, Joe Biden latest

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    laboratory, Vitamin, new sensor detected to indicate vitamin b12 deficiency, Cognitive decline

    New sensor detected to indicate Vitamin B12 deficiency!! 2016-10-19 11:53:39

    Scientists have developed a new world-first optical sensor that may quickly detect vitamin B12 deficiency, a condition linked to an increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. The device would enable the tracking of vitamin B12 levels in high-risk patients...

    Keywords: Vitamin, Vitamin, Vitamin, laboratory

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    Mediterranean diet, Memory Boosting foods, 10 memory boosting foods to your diet, Cognitive decline

    10 Memory-Boosting Foods to your diet 2011-12-14 05:50:25

    Want to slash your risk of age-related memory loss, dementia, even Alzheimer's disease? Pay attention to what's on your plate. A new study by German researchers finds a Mediterranean diet may prevent age-related cognitive declines. That's right, a heart-smart diet...

    Keywords: Mediterranean diet, age-related cognitive declines, Mediterranean diet, Mediterranean diet

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    Cognitive Decline new updates, Cognitive Decline breaking news, emotionally unstable people at risk of cognitive decline, Cognitive decline

    Emotionally Unstable People at Risk of Cognitive Decline 2022-04-13 10:42:23

    If you are a moody or emotionally unstable person, you are at a higher risk to cognitive decline in life and the risk is higher. The study and research has been published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology....

    Keywords: Cognitive Decline symptoms, Cognitive Decline latest, Cognitive Decline news, Cognitive Decline

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