Search Results On feelings (Page 1 of 4)

feelings (Page 1 of 4)

  • Parenting for kids, Teenage, parenting changes after a child reach teenage, Feelings

    Parenting Changes After a Child Reach Teenage 2024-08-20 11:23:19

    Teenage years have a significant impact on children. This age not only brings the physical changes of puberty but also an age of emotional transformation, where even a child can raise serious concerns. In teens, you can see a different...

    Keywords: Teenage kids, Teenage, Parenting for Teenage, Teenage kids new breaking

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    Longevity experts, Longevity, what are the health secrets to longevity, Feelings

    What are the Health secrets to Longevity? 2024-08-29 14:58:33

    Longevity doesn't just mean longer life. To achieve a long life, physical health must be strengthened through a balanced diet, regular exercise and adequate rest. Mental and emotional health are equally important and are supported through stress management, social contacts...

    Keywords: Longevity latest, Longevity health updates, Longevity latest, Longevity doctors

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    Work stress news, Work stress and Sick leaves, work stress leads to more sick leaves says study, Feelings

    Work stress leads to more sick leaves, says Study 2024-08-21 06:27:54

    Employers often view sick leaves with suspicion, scrutinizing the reasons behind them to determine their legitimacy. The public may perceive sick leaves as either a genuine need for physical recovery or a crafty excuse to skip a workday during public...

    Keywords: Sick leaves, Work stress and Sick leaves news, Work stress and Sick leaves news, Work stress and Sick leaves new breaking

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    Vulvodynia breaking updates, Vulvodynia symptoms, what is vulvodynia and vaginal pain, Feelings

    What is Vulvodynia and Vaginal Pain? 2024-08-21 06:20:09

    Vulvodynia is a prevalent concern that many women grapple with, yet it is often misunderstood. This chronic pain condition affects the vulva, the external female genital region, causing persistent, burning, stinging, or raw sensations around the vaginal opening. These symptoms...

    Keywords: Vulvodynia medication, Vulvodynia breaking, Vaginal Pain, Vulvodynia health updates

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    Indian Students in Canada rules, Indian Students in Canada latest, indian students are facing deportation and are struggling in canada, Feelings

    Indian students are facing deportation and are struggling in Canada 2024-08-28 14:35:42

    More than 70,000 graduate students across Canada are at risk of deportation due to recent changes in federal immigration policy. Protests are spreading across Canadian cities as international students and skilled workers stand up for their rights and demand changes...

    Keywords: Indian Students in Canada new breaking, Indian Students in Canada new breaking, Indian Students in Canada protests, Indian Students in Canada new breaking

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    Happy Hormones news, Happy Hormones health, how can daily habits boost happy hormones, Feelings

    How can daily habits boost Happy Hormones? 2024-08-24 14:57:10

    The emotions we experience, such as those during a beautiful sunset or a stressful day, are related to the regulation of chemicals in our body known as "happy hormones." These include dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins. Regular exercise can boost...

    Keywords: Happy Hormones exercise, Happy Hormones breaking updates, Happy Hormones health, Happy Hormones advantages

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